GJMV Solid Waste Management District * 1056 S. New Hampshire Avenue * Wellston, OH  45692
740-384-2164 * csaltsman.gjmvrecycles@gmail.com
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Minutes 8/12/21


The Gallia, Jackson, Meigs & Vinton Solid Waste Management District Board of Directors met in regular session on August 12, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.

Chairman, Harold Montgomery called the meeting to order at 3:51. Roll Call was taken. The following were present: Harold Montgomery & Gene Green – Gallia County; Paul Haller & Jon Hensler – Jackson County; Tim Ihle & Shannon Miller – Meigs County; Mark Fout – Vinton County.  A quorum was present.  Others attending were Nick Rupert of Rumpke, Bill Cole & Cindy Saltsman.


Old Business

Minutes of 6/10/21 – Paul Haller made the motion to accept minutes of meeting 6/10/21, Mark Fout seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion was approved.




DIRECTOR/TREASURER REPORT  Cindy said June & July financials were in the packets.  Cindy said we are spending more than then we are bringing in, but we knew that we when did the budget last year.  Mark Fout asked Cindy if anything ever happen with the lease agreement with Jackson Transportation and Cindy said no. Mark Fout made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and Tim Ihle seconded it.  All were in favor, motion was approved.

Cindy said further to answer Mark’s question, Mr. Lester did back out of the lease that Mr. Cole had sent out to him.  Mr. Lester said he was on a month-to-month basis where he currently is and decided to continue with that.

City of Wellston License Agreement Cindy said an Extension of License Agreement with the City of Wellston for the dump station was in their packets for review.  Cindy briefly updated the new commissioners on the reason for this agreement.  The Wellston Service Director started and laid concrete on the south side of the building for a dump station thinking that since the city owned the property he could do so.  Cindy said she was aware that that had been done but thought it was on a part that the district did not lease until they laid gravel coming toward the building and using our parking lot for access to it.  The agreement states that the city will pay the district $100 per month, with them paying the $1,200 upfront. The city also forgave the District water bill each month.  This is the second extension on the agreement.  Harold Montgomery asked for the Board to approve Resolution 0821 – A, Extension of the License Agreement with the City of Wellston.  Shannon Miller made the motion to approve Resolution 0821 – A, Jon Hensler seconded the motion.  Vote was done by Roll Call: Harold Montgomery, yes; Gene Green, yes; Jay Stapleton, not present; Paul Haller, yes; Jon Hensler, yes; Donnie Willis, not present; Tim Ihle, yes; Shannon Miller, yes; Jimmy Will, not present; Tim Eberts, not present; Mark Fout, yes; William Wellman, not present.  Cindy said Harold would sign the agreement and she would take it to the city for their signature.  


Other Business  

Harold said he forgot to acknowledge guest, Nick Rupert.  Nick informed the Board that Rumpke was in the process of purchasing the Kilbarger Landfill/Meigs Transfer Station.  They are waiting for the State to approve it.  Shannon Miller asked if the rates would go down at the Meigs Transfer Station and Nick said he had nothing to do with that.

Tim Ihle asked Nick if there had been a change in personnel at Rumpke because the Hyland/7 site in Pomeroy was not being cleaned up like it is supposed to be.  Nick said that he and Cindy have had several discussions about this site and the driver is supposed to clean up the site.  If there is a lot of trash left there then an order for trash pick-up is made.  Tim said they have a camera put up now to try and catch the ones that were leaving the trash there, but they were having problems with it right now.  Tim said the driver is not doing as good a job as they used to.  Cindy said we have lost the Hamden and Coalton sites this year due to trash being left at them.  We are till meeting our goals but we can’t lose anymore sites.


Harold informed the Board that Gallia County is renewing the contract with Waste Management for the Gallia County Landfill for five (5) years.  He also stated that after the five years Waste Management would be closing the landfill.  Cindy stated that that would be a loss of around $12,000/year to the district.  She also stated that with Rumpke buying the Kilbarger Landfill, the district could possibly lose out of district tonnages from the east side of the State to that landfill.  


With a motion by Paul Haller and a second by Mark Fout, the board adjourned at 4:08 p.m.