GJMV Solid Waste Management District * 1056 S. New Hampshire Avenue * Wellston, OH  45692
740-384-2164 * csaltsman.gjmvrecycles@gmail.com
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Minutes 4/11/19


The Gallia, Jackson, Meigs & Vinton Solid Waste Management District Board of Directors met in regular session on April 11, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. at the District office, 1056 S. New Hampshire Avenue, Wellston, Ohio.

Vice Chairman, Tim Eberts called the meeting to order at 3:38.  Roll Call was taken:: Harold Montgomery, present; Brent Saunders, present; Dave Smith, present; Ed Armstrong, present; Paul Haller, present but late for roll call; Jon Hensler, not present; Tim Ihle, present; Randy Smith, not present; Jimmy Will, present; Tim Eberts,  present; Mark Fout, not present; William Wellman, not present.  A quorum was present.  Others attending were: Bill Cole and Cindy Saltsman.  


Old business:


Minutes of 2/21/19 – Ed Armstrong made the motion to accept minutes of meeting 2/21/19, Tim Ihle seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion was approved.


New business:

-Treasurer’s report Chairman, Paul Haller came in and took over the meeting. The Board reviewed the financials for February & March.  Brent Saunders made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Harold Montgomery seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion was approved.

- Cindy asked the Board to look over the appraisal from 2014 and asked the Board what they wanted to list the building for. Cindy stated that it is already on the Jackson County Economic Development site.  Harold Montgomery said to contact Melissa Clark of The Gallia County Economic Development and have her post it on their site.  David Smith asked if the Jackson County Municipal Court found a place to rent and Paul Haller said yes, they did find a more suitable site.  The rent is $2,000 plus utilities.  David Smith made a motion to authorize Cindy to advertise the building for $506,596, Harold Montgomery seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion passed.  

-Cindy told the Board that she had a separate plant security pad put in with a cost of $425.00.  Cindy said that her and Bill Cole had drawn up a contract for that with a 30-day notice for cancelling.  She sent that and spoke with the Jackson County Sheriff Department about leasing the district’s plant space and she has not heard back from them. She also stated that she had replaced the lock to the door into to the plant for $107.00.   Ed Armstrong said he just texted the Sheriff and they worked out something else.

-Cindy said that we are starting our 5-year Plan update this year.  The Policy Committee will be meeting as soon as we have some updated information to give them.  Harold Montgomery is the Chairman of the Policy Committee.  Cindy said there are 28 members on the committee and the Executive Committee members are included (Harold Montgomery, Paul Haller, Tim Ihle & Tim Eberts).


Other Business:


-Paul Haller asked the Board what they wanted to do regarding the cost of the new security pad and lock change. He felt that it shouldn’t be the district’s cost for the possible lease.  Cindy said the cost for both was $532.00.  David Smith said that he felt that it would make the property more profitable.  Cindy said the cost would be under normal expenses.

-Cindy asked the Board if they wanted to meet in June and they decided to not meet until the August 8 meeting.  

-David Smith asked if the renewal of the Plan update was to be done this year and Cindy said no, it was 2021. She said we have to first have it written, then there is the ratifying process, which is to have the Boards of Commissioners, all cities, village’s and township trustees vote for it.  Harold Montgomery asked if the consultant cost was in this year’s budget and Cindy said we have $30,000 there.  The total possible cost for the consultant was around $36,000 and the money in this year’s budget would continue for the next couple of years.

-Harold Montgomery commented on the utility bill.  Cindy said with winter over, the gas bill will go down to barely nothing.  Harold said our rate should continue to go down and it takes several years for that to happen.  Paul Haller asked about the cost of Boggs Pest Control and Cindy said it was monthly.  Paul wondered since we were not in operation if it was still needed monthly.  Cindy said it was for rats and we have 8 or 9 poison boxes around the building to control them.  After a brief discussion it was decided that the monthly rat poison will continue.


Legal: Bill Cole had nothing to report.


-Cindy introduced Jimmy Will, the new Meigs County Commissioner, to the Board.

-Tim Ihle asked if there was anymore reports for the Chester site.  Cindy said that the driver said there was no problem right now with the site.

-Harold Montgomery said Gallia County had their Spring Recycle Day (sponsored by the G.C. Soil & Water Conservation) and at some point, they had to have traffic control because there were so many people.  The Health Department had tire disposal and the Commissioners provided free trash day at the landfill, and it was a huge success.  Cindy asked when Meigs County clean-up day was going to be, and Tim Ihle said May 4th.


With a motion by Harold Montgomery a second by David Smith, the board adjourned at 4:07 p.m.